Did you know that the majority of fertiliser spreaders deliver highly variable spread patterns? This compromises production rates and farm profitability as some areas within the paddock receive too much fertiliser and others too little. Understanding your spreader pattern using different products can result in higher productivity and save you money.
SCF are holding a spreader calibration day on Wednesday June 12 at Lindsay Watterson’s - 1638 Stockyard Rd, Tenterden. Join Australia’s leading AccuSpread trainer, Russell Nichol, as he shares his knowledge and demonstrates how to test and calibrate spreader machinery. We will be testing the spread patterns of 4 different machines for urea and a UREA/MOP/SOA mixture. The day will be a mixture of paddock demo’s and theory which will be held at the nearby Nunijup Hall.
FREE for SCF members, non-members welcome $50. RSVP to Nathan on 0429 468 030.