Student Connect Program
This project is now complete.
This project ran from January 2019 - December 2020.
Stirlings to Coast Farmers are proud to partner with the National Landcare Programme (NLP) to deliver the Student Connect Program. The Western Australian College of Agriculture Denmark, Great Southern Grammar and Mount Barker Community College were the participating schools for the 2020 school year (50 students). In 2020, SCF supported youth and the future of the Agriculture and NRM industry by creating better links between farmers, industry, and agricultural students.
The program included membership to SCF and opportunities to attend SCF events throughout the year. Lectures and demonstrations were presented to students focusing on term themes. Students met and formed connections with passionate and approachable agricultural experts in their respective fields.
At the successful career information sessions, students learned about the broad range of career options in the Agricultural industry. Students met a range of industry professionals from farm managers to researchers, consultants, bankers, agronomists and vets. Three students were also successful in applying for a scholarship to support their agricultural education.
The Future Farmers Student Connect project has increased the awareness of students and staff on the use of technology for improved decision-making on-farm. For example, efficient management of nutrients leads to more sustainable farming practices in the future. These students will play an important role in land management as they get older and work in the agricultural industry. During the school year, lectures and demonstrations were carried out, providing students with the latest technical information to manage a more sustainable farming future. This included exposure to unmanned aerial vehicle’s (UAVs) and Decipher, a precision agriculture application that generates nutritional insights to help manage fertiliser applications. Students also learned about scientific methodology and other STEM-related themes through demonstration trials they visited. These demonstrations highlighted aspects of sustainable agriculture through protection and improvement of soil health and nutrient management.
SCF would like to thank the Australian Government through the National Landcare Project for investing in this project.