The Stirlings to Coast Farmers group (SCF) exists to support its members by providing high quality research outcomes that are credible and locally relevant to our region. We support our members by providing advocacy, information, support services and events that will that help our members to remain profitable whilst promoting a sense of community.

As a small industry association operating on limited resources, we must ensure our efforts are focused on delivering the best benefits for our members. This plan sets the strategic direction for our activities over the next 4 years.

Role of SCF

SCF is a local RD&E group for cropping and livestock farmers in the southern Albany Port Zone (sAPZ). The main purpose of the group is to support our members through the delivery of locally relevant high quality research development and extension (RD&E) activities. In essence, SCF's role is to help our members adapt to a changing operating environment with the objective of achieving a more prosperous and sustainable agricultural industry.