Farmer Forum Presentation Resources
Producers need more real-time data to maximise pastures and livestock systems. What digital technology is available today, and what do producers need tomorrow?
Nathan Dovey, CEO, SCF & Brad Wooldridge, Local Farmer
Improving lamb meat quality and improve productivity through ASBVs and genetics. ASBVS and Indexes explained.
Sandy Forbes, Royston SAMM & David Pethick, Murdoch University
Weather forecasting – 2021 weather outlook and use of hyper-localised weather station data networks on farms
Ian Foster, DPIRD/BOM & Philip Honey, Smart Farm Co-ordinator, SCF
Farm water budgeting and security – what are the options for WA producers to secure water on farm for livestock?
Richard George, DPIRD
Practical ways to improve farm profitability and financial planning for livestock enterprises.
Tamara Alexander, DPIRD & PhillIp Thompson Rabobank