Summer 2014

In this issue:

  • Jottings from the Chair

  • Preliminary Results: Barley Trial - John Blake

  • CBH Barley Variety Update

  • Useful Links

  • RCSN (GRDC) Profitable Legume Update

  • Pasture Trials Update

  • 2014 Canola Disease Survey Harvest -Jeremy Lemon, Steve & Geraldine Janicke

  • Mapping Soil Variation for Effective Input Use - Wes Lefroy (Soil Tech)

  • Rabobank - Global Perspective

  • Submit Paddock Information At A Click of A Button - CSBP

  • The Future Application of Aerial Drones for Crop Scouting - Patrick Weedon & John Blake

  • Controlling Ryegrass In Fencelines to Reduce Resistance - Sally Peltzer

  • Seatbelts Save Lives on Farms and Roads - Farmsafe

  • Field Day Activities... Photos

  • The Management Committee

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