Summer 2016

In this issue:

·       Jottings from the Chair

·       CEO Update

·       Want to be more involved with SCF?

·       GRDC Grains Research Update, Albany flyer

·       2016 Trials Review information

·       SCF are seeking an Agronomist!

·       R & D Update

·       Snail Update

·       SCF Goes to Hollywood

·       SCF Annual Dinner

·       eConnected Grainbelt - Brent Pritchard and Mark Lawrence

·       Sooty mould cold be on your door step - Kithisiri Jayasena DAFWA

·       Great Southern Fuel Supplies tips and phone app

·       Bushfire Fears Highlight Need to Review Insurance - Ben Edwards

·       Support our sponsors

·       Snail Roller for hire

·       Photos

·       The Board

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