Winter 2016

In this issue:

  • Jottings from the Chair

  • CEO Update

  • Have your say on the future of SCF

  • Feed barley segregation for snails in 2016/17 harvest

  • R & D Update

  • DIY Precision Agriculture Workshop

  • eConnected by Brent Pritchard

  • Workplace stress by Dr Joyce Chong

  • Book NOW for ChemCert course

  • GRDC Regional Crop Updates in 2017

  • Russian wheat aphid

  • Herbicide susceptibility testing - Jeremy Lemon

  • Growers advised to check for risk factors for crop disease outbreaks - Kith Jaysena

  • New silver sponsor - Marsh Insurance

  • Thanks to our Sponsors

  • Photo Gallery

  • Board and staff contact details

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