Autumn 2014

In this issue:

  • Jottings from the Chair

  • What Are Your Priorities in R&D? - John Blake

  • Protocol For Setting Up Lime Strip Trials - Jeremy Lemon & John Blake

  • SCF Cooperative Lime Analyses

  • 2014 Regional Crop Update Information

  • SCF AGM Information

  • Retirement Notice

  • Introducing Donna Skerris and Rebecca Allen - CBH Group

  • Farm Office Efficiencies Workshop Review - Heather Adams

  • Free Half Day Technology Workshop Information

  • ‘Being A Better Boss’ - Part 1, Workshop Information

  • Barley Varieties - GIWA Fact Sheets

  • Rabobank Fertilizer Forecast

  • Monitoring & Evaluation at Harvest Time Photos

  • The Management Committee

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