Summer 2013

In this issue:

  • Jottings from the Chair

  • SCF Research and Development Report - John Blake

  • SCF: Barley Broad Scale Variety Trials 2013 - some preliminary results

  • Useful Websites and Apps

  • Thank You Steve and Geraldine

  • Canola Disease Survey 2013 - preliminary results

  • PING - Farm Office Efficiencies Workshop

  • CBH offers products to suit your Business - CBH Group

  • Improving Crop Establishment in Non-Wetting Soils Through Stubble Management - Kimberley Adams

  • Choose Varieties Carefully To Reduce Rust Risk - Peter Roberts GRDC

  • ‘Lime Bank’ Deposits A Good Investment - Dr Bill Ryan GRDC

  • Canola Disease Surveying and Weed Sampling Photos

  • The Management Committee

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